"'Archtivism' is about coming together and realizing that we're not working in silos", says Nyasha Harper-Michon in this video.

She works under several titles such as architect, educator, business developer, writer, speaker, and last but not least 'archtivist' - a merge of architect and activist.
'Archtivist' is a free-to-use term coined by Nyasha Harper-Michon that refers to people who drive environmental, social, and economic changes forward, who dare to look at their profession and practice within the building industry from a broader perspective and collaborate crosswise.

An example of a place where 'archtivism' is practiced is De Ceuvel in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The interview takes place in Café De Ceuvel built entirely out of recycled materials. The area is a former shipyard that was categorized as polluted until a group of architects decided to transform it into a sustainable cleantech playground. Now it is used for creative and social enterprises with houseboat offices driven by circular economic principles. The urban plan and design are made by the studio Space&Matter with a wide range of other collaborators.

Address: Korte Papaverweg 2, 1032 KB Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Visit the place.

Want to know more? Visit Nyasha Harper-Michon's website.

Concerning the designation of Copenhagen as The World Capital of Architecture 2023, the UIA- World Congress of Architects will be held in Copenhagen from 02 to 06 July.
This video is part of a series featuring various speakers and participants contributing to the congress. The series is part of a collaboration between Arka and UIA - World Congress of Architects 2023.

Nyasha Harper-Michon joined the congress as a keynote speaker.

Want to know more? Visit UIA's program.